Henry Stickmin Wiki

The Shovel (called Tunnel in the legacy version) is the first option in Breaking the Bank, and one of the evidences that can be presented during the trial in the "Lawyered Up" route of Escaping the Prison.

Breaking the Bank

When chosen, Henry pulls a shovel from somewhere (likely his pocket) and begins to dig straight down in an attempt to infiltrate the bank vault.



Henry lands on some rails and is steamrolled by the subway in his attempts to get his bearings.


Henry hits something hard and attempts to illuminate it with a lighter. However, it turns out that he ruptured a gas line with his shovel, and the naked flames caused an explosive combustion, killing him. This result in a fail.

During the explosion, a car alarm can be heard going off. Clicking on the black car to silence it will award the player the medal *chirp chirp*.

Escaping the Prison

The same shovel is an item serving as evidence that Felix White can present to Hubert Brown in order to defend Henry during his trial. However, it, like most other items, only lead to the same fail.

Fail Message

The remastered version of Breaking the Bank yields the message "Never dig straight down." The message "What kind of third-rate lawyer did you hire?" appears in Escaping the Prison, just like with the other options that Pheonix Wright can present to the judge (except the money bag that Henry disguised himself with during his invasion of the bank).



  • Henry holds up the shovel in a similar way as Link from The Legend of Zelda does.
    • The original flash version used The Wind Waker version of "Get Item".
      • In the remastered version, PuffballsUnited made his own version to avoid copyright (with the pitch shifted eight semitones down, which is later reused for the Biggol Sword achievement in the remastered version of Infiltrating the Airship.
  • In the remastered version, the fail message "Never dig straight down." is a reference to the #1 fanmade rule for Minecraft.

